shell ruby

Seller Ledger API

Welcome to the Seller Ledger API!

We have an official Ruby client with PHP and Python coming soon. You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.


# With cURL, you can just pass an Authorization header with your API token as the token
curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"
require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')

Make sure to replace your_api_token with your API key.

Seller Ledger uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can register a new Seller Ledger API key in your business settings.

Seller Ledger expects the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: token your_api_token


Get all accounts

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
paginated_reponse = client.list_accounts

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "accounts": [
      "id": "22d2d201-4134-430d-8e39-f8fec35845e4",
      "name": "Credit Card",
      "type": "Expense",
      "balance_sheet": false,
      "balance": "904.85",
      "deposits": "904.85",
      "withdrawals": 0
      "id": "bca4769a-e7fd-4b47-ab68-412180150fca",
      "name": "Credit Card",
      "type": "Income",
      "balance_sheet": false,
      "balance": "0.0",
      "deposits": 0,
      "withdrawals": 0
      "id": "02967cdb-4040-4d18-8843-e94d9557b936",
      "name": "Credit Card",
      "type": "Liability",
      "balance_sheet": true,
      "balance": "0.0",
      "deposits": "4834.57",
      "withdrawals": "4834.57"

This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of accounts

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
types No Array [] Filter types of accounts to return. Can include 'asset', 'liability', 'equity', 'income', 'expense', or 'inventory'.
page No Integer 0 Page number to return
per_page No Integer 25 Number of categories to return per page

Get an account

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "account": {
    "id": "02967cdb-4040-4d18-8843-e94d9557b936",
    "name": "Credit Card",
    "type": "Liability",
    "balance_sheet": true,
    "balance": "0.0",
    "deposits": "4834.57",
    "withdrawals": "4834.57"

This endpoint retrieves an account.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the account to return

Get all account entries

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
paginated_reponse = client.list_account_entries("02967cdb-4040-4d18-8843-e94d9557b936")

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "entries": [
      "transaction_id": "74414cdb-e433-40dc-bd7d-fe66954fc62a",
      "transaction_date": "2024-06-20T20:06:17.196Z",
      "transacted_with": "eBay",
      "description": "Anthropology Maxi Dress Size M New Halter Top Black Long Sleeveless",
      "amount": "5.96",
      "signed_amount": "-5.96",
      "type": "debit",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "account_id": "ce2d3bd2-ea6d-4d5b-8b8d-721e9d6cd1df",
      "account_name": "My eBay Store",
      "category": {
        "id": "33ce993c-5411-476c-be9b-46261b361a82",
        "name": "Commissions and fees",
        "type": "Expense"
      "transaction_id": "9b5ec2e7-f665-4d67-85d8-cfdf29c9f450",
      "transaction_date": "2024-06-19T20:06:17.234Z",
      "transacted_with": "eBay",
      "description": "J. Crew Eyelet Midi Skirt Cotton Blue L New",
      "amount": "6.29",
      "signed_amount": "-6.29",
      "type": "debit",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "account_id": "ce2d3bd2-ea6d-4d5b-8b8d-721e9d6cd1df",
      "account_name": "My eBay Store",
      "category": {
        "id": "33ce993c-5411-476c-be9b-46261b361a82",
        "name": "Commissions and fees",
        "type": "Expense"

This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of account journal entries.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The account ID
page No Integer 0 Page number to return
per_page No Integer 25 Number of categories to return per page

Get all account transactions

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
paginated_reponse = client.list_account_transactions("02967cdb-4040-4d18-8843-e94d9557b936")

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transactions": [
      "transaction_type": "financial",
      "transaction_id": "3fc80325-5326-4abf-90e9-1443962cceb4",
      "transaction_date": "2024-06-21T20:07:49.259Z",
      "transacted_with": "Shopify",
      "description": "Q2 Sales Tax payment",
      "amount": "-9.18",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "category": {
        "id": "fa053ccc-737b-4508-acbe-ac1da99d1681",
        "name": "Product sales",
        "type": "Income"
      "transaction_type": "financial",
      "transaction_id": "20ebd8b5-38b2-4041-b8a9-27dafa9a2b23",
      "transaction_date": "2024-06-21T20:07:49.224Z",
      "transacted_with": "Awesome Credit Card",
      "description": "Credit Card payment",
      "amount": "-207.84",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "category": {
        "id": "bbcc88fa-9f50-48e3-bf1d-7da98971c608",
        "name": "Transfer: Credit Card",
        "type": "Liability"

This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of balance sheet account transactions.

Note: the account ID passed into this endpoint must be for a balance sheet account.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The account ID
page No Integer 0 Page number to return
per_page No Integer 25 Number of categories to return per page


Get business details

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
paginated_reponse = client.get_business

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "business": [
      "name": "My Toy Trucks",
      "billing_status": "paid",
      "data_syncable_start_date": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

This endpoint retrieves data about the business, including the earliest transaction date that will be accepted.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Does not accept any parameters.


Get all Categories

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
paginated_reponse = client.list_categories

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "categories": [
      "id": "f53433dd-7095-4663-a5d0-606d2d1fab80",
      "name": "Advertising",
      "type": "Expense"
      "name":"Car or truck",
      "name":"Other Income",

This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of categories

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
types No Array [] Filter types of categories to return. Can include 'expense', 'income', 'asset' etc.
page No Integer 0 Page number to return
per_page No Integer 25 Number of categories to return per page


Get all connections

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
paginated_reponse = client.list_connections

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "connections": [
      "id": "db2fcb3d-57c9-4358-ae35-6b4a2719e0fb",
      "name": "Credit Card",
      "balance_sheet_account_type": "liability"

This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of connections

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
page No Integer 0 Page number to return
per_page No Integer 25 Number of connections to return per page

Get a connection

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "connection": {
    "id": "4caeaacd-af05-46c6-9078-8ac83000e3b5",
    "name": "Test",
    "balance_sheet_account_type": "asset"

This endpoint retrieves a connection.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the connection to return

Create a connection

require 'seller_ledger'

params = {
  name: "My Connection",
  balance_sheet_account_type: "asset"

client ='your_api_token')

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"name": "My Connection", "balance_sheet_account_type": "asset"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "connection": {
    "id": "4caeaacd-af05-46c6-9078-8ac83000e3b5",
    "name": "Test",
    "balance_sheet_account_type": "asset"

This endpoint is used to create connections

HTTP Request



Parameter Required Type Description
name Yes String Name of connection
balance_sheet_account_type Yes String The balance sheet account type to use for this connection. Can be 'asset' or 'liability'. Use 'liability' for credit card connections and 'asset' for everything else (e-commerce, bank accounts, etc).

Delete a connection

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "connection": {
    "id": "4caeaacd-af05-46c6-9078-8ac83000e3b5",
    "name": "Test",
    "balance_sheet_account_type": "asset",

This endpoint deletes a specific connection.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the connection to delete


Get all orders

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
connection_id = "db2fcb3d-57c9-4358-ae35-6b4a2719e0fb"
paginated_reponse = client.list_orders(connection_id)
curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transactions": [
      "transaction_id": "085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41",
      "transaction_date": "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
      "description": "Hand painted tennis shoes Women's size 6 starry night",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "ship_to_country_code": "US",
      "ship_to_state": "CA",
      "ship_to_zip": "91910",
      "ship_to_city": "Oceanside",
      "ship_to_address1": "123 some street",
      "ship_to_address2": null,
      "total_amount": "33.85",
      "items_subtotal": "24.99",
      "shipping_amount": "6.5",
      "discount_amount": "0.0",
      "handling_amount": "0.0",
      "fees_amount": "0.0",
      "tax_amount": "2.36",
      "marketplace_remitted_tax": false,
      "items": [
          "product_name": "Hand painted tennis shoes Women's size 6 starry night",
          "sku": "Y010-AB-BIN402-SHO-FLF",
          "quantity": "1.0",
          "total_amount": "31.49",
          "item_amount": "24.99",
          "shipping_amount": "6.5",
          "discount_amount": "0.0",
          "handling_amount": "0.0",
          "tax_amount": "0.0"
      "transaction_id": "1d8d02aa-3464-4ef2-8624-a4d5d2ded2ec",
      "transaction_date": "2024-05-30T05:12:51.043Z",
      "description": "Hand painted tennis shoes Women's size 9 starry night",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "ship_to_country_code": "US",
      "ship_to_state": "CA",
      "ship_to_zip": "91910",
      "ship_to_city": "Oceanside",
      "ship_to_address1": "123 some street",
      "ship_to_address2": null,
      "total_amount": "33.85",
      "items_subtotal": "24.99",
      "shipping_amount": "6.5",
      "discount_amount": "0.0",
      "handling_amount": "0.0",
      "fees_amount": "0.0",
      "tax_amount": "2.36",
      "marketplace_remitted_tax": false,
      "items": [
          "product_name": "Hand painted tennis shoes Women's size 9 starry night",
          "sku": "Y009-AB-BIN402-SHO-FLF",
          "quantity": "1.0",
          "total_amount": "31.49",
          "item_amount": "24.99",
          "shipping_amount": "6.5",
          "discount_amount": "0.0",
          "handling_amount": "0.0",
          "tax_amount": "0.0"

This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of all of a connection's orders.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the connection
page No Integer 0 Page number to return
per_page No Integer 25 Number of orders to return per page

Get an order

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
connection_id = "db2fcb3d-57c9-4358-ae35-6b4a2719e0fb"
client.get_order(connection_id, '1f7f2a5dac3403930778751f82809b999958bd18')
curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_id": "085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41",
    "transaction_date": "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
    "description": "Hand painted tennis shoes Women's size 6 starry night",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "ship_to_country_code": "US",
    "ship_to_state": "CA",
    "ship_to_zip": "91910",
    "ship_to_city": "Oceanside",
    "ship_to_address1": "123 some street",
    "ship_to_address2": null,
    "total_amount": "33.85",
    "items_subtotal": "24.99",
    "shipping_amount": "6.5",
    "discount_amount": "0.0",
    "handling_amount": "0.0",
    "fees_amount": "0.0",
    "tax_amount": "2.36",
    "marketplace_remitted_tax": false,
    "items": [
        "product_name": "Hand painted tennis shoes Women's size 6 starry night",
        "sku": "Y010-AB-BIN402-SHO-FLF",
        "quantity": "1.0",
        "total_amount": "31.49",
        "item_amount": "24.99",
        "shipping_amount": "6.5",
        "discount_amount": "0.0",
        "handling_amount": "0.0",
        "tax_amount": "0.0"

This endpoint retrieves a specific order.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
CID Yes String n/a The ID of the connection
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the order

Create an order

require 'seller_ledger'

params = {
  transaction_id: "085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41",
  transaction_date: "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
  description: "Bob's Big Burger",
  currency_code: "USD",
  ship_to_country_code: "US",
  ship_to_state: "CA",
  ship_to_city: "Oceanside",
  ship_to_zip: "91910",
  total_amount: 132.12,
  items_subtotal: 122.12,
  shipping_amount: 10.00,
  items: [
      product_name: "A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger",
      quantity: 2,
      total_amount: 132.12,
      item_amount: 122.12
      shipping_amount: 10

client ='your_api_token')
client.create_order(connection_id, params)

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"transaction_id":"085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41","transaction_date":"2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z","description":"Bob's Big Burger","currency_code":"USD","ship_to_country_code":"US","ship_to_state":"CA","ship_to_city":"Oceanside","total_amount":132.12,"items_subtotal":132.12,"shipping_amount":10.0,"items":[{"product_name":"A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger","quantity":2,"total_amount":132.12,"item_total": 122.12,"shipping_amount":10}]}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_id": "085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41",
    "transaction_date": "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
    "description": "Bob's Big Burger",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "ship_to_country_code": "US",
    "ship_to_state": "CA",
    "ship_to_zip": "91910",
    "ship_to_city": "Oceanside",
    "ship_to_address1": null,
    "ship_to_address2": null,
    "total_amount": "132.12",
    "items_subtotal": "122.12",
    "shipping_amount": "10.0",
    "discount_amount": "0.0",
    "handling_amount": "0.0",
    "fees_amount": "0.0",
    "tax_amount": "0.0",
    "marketplace_remitted_tax": false,
    "items": [
        "product_name": "A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger",
        "sku": null,
        "quantity": "2.0",
        "total_amount": "132.12",
        "item_amount": "122.12",
        "shipping_amount": "10.0",
        "discount_amount": "0.0",
        "handling_amount": "0.0",
        "tax_amount": "0.0"

This endpoint is used to create orders.

HTTP Request



Parameter Required Type Description
ID Yes String The connection ID
transaction_id No String A transaction ID, unique per connection. If transaction_id is not provided a unique UUID will be assigned.
transaction_date Yes DateTime The date and time the transaction occurred
description No String A description of the transaction. If description is not provided the first item's name will be used if it is available.
currency_code Yes String The code of the currency used
ship_to_country_code Yes String The ISO code of the country where the transaction occurred
ship_to_state Yes String The state/province where the transaction occurred
ship_to_zip Yes String The zip/postal code where the transaction occurred
ship_to_address1 No String The address where the transaction occurred
ship_to_address2 No String The address where the transaction occurred
total_amount Yes Float The final amount of the transaction
items_subtotal Yes Float The goods amount (total less shipping, discount, handling, tax, and fees
shipping_amount No Float The shipping amount of the transaction
handling_amount No Float The handling amount of the transaction
fees_amount No Float The fees amount included in the total_amount (paid by the seller) of the transaction.
tax_amount No Float The sales tax amount of the transaction
marketplace_remitted_tax No Boolean If the tax amount was remitted by a marketplace
items No Array The items attached to the transaction
items[]product_name Yes String The name of the product sold
items[]sku No String SKU identifier for the product sold
items[]quantity Yes Integer Quantity of items sold
items[]total_amount Yes Float total amount of the item (item_amount + tax_amount + handling_amount + shipping_amount - discount_amount)
items[]item_amount Yes Float The total of the item sold (item price * quantity)
items[]shipping_amount No Float Shipping amount for this item
items[]discount_amount No Float Discount amount for this item
items[]tax_amount No Float Tax amount for this item
items[]handling_amount No Float Handling amount for this item

When an order has items the sum of item values must equal the order level value. For example, when pushing in an order with items if an item has a discount amount that amount must be included in the order level discount amount.

Update an order

require 'seller_ledger'

params = {
  transaction_date: "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
  description: "Bob's Big Burger Update",
  currency_code: "USD",
  ship_to_country_code: "US",
  ship_to_state: "CA",
  ship_to_city: "Oceanside",
  ship_to_zip: "91910",
  total_amount: 132.12,
  items_subtotal: 122.12,
  shipping_amount: 10.00,
  items: [
      product_name: "A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger",
      quantity: 2,
      total_amount: 132.12,
      item_amount: 122.12
      shipping_amount: 10

client ='your_api_token')
client.update_order(connection_id, params[:transaction_id], params)

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"transaction_date":"2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z","description":"Bob's Big Burger","currency_code":"USD","ship_to_country_code":"US","ship_to_state":"CA","ship_to_city":"Oceanside","total_amount":132.12,"items_subtotal":122.12,"shipping_amount":10.0,"items":[{"product_name":"A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger","quantity":2,"total_amount":132.12,"item_amount":122.12,"shipping_amount":10}]}'
  -X PUT

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_id": "085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41",
    "transaction_date": "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
    "description": "Bob's Big Burger",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "ship_to_country_code": "US",
    "ship_to_state": "CA",
    "ship_to_zip": "91910",
    "ship_to_city": "Oceanside",
    "ship_to_address1": null,
    "ship_to_address2": null,
    "total_amount": "132.12",
    "items_subtotal": "122.12",
    "shipping_amount": "10.0",
    "discount_amount": "0.0",
    "handling_amount": "0.0",
    "fees_amount": "0.0",
    "tax_amount": "0.0",
    "marketplace_remitted_tax": false,
    "items": [
        "product_name": "A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger",
        "sku": null,
        "quantity": "2.0",
        "total_amount": "132.12",
        "item_amount": "122.12",
        "shipping_amount": "10.0",
        "discount_amount": "0.0",
        "handling_amount": "0.0",
        "tax_amount": "0.0"

This endpoint is used to update orders.

HTTP Request



Parameter Required Type Description
CID Yes String The connection ID
ID Yes String A transaction ID, unique per connection
transaction_date Yes DateTime The date and time the transaction occurred
description No String A description of the transaction. If description is not provided the first item's name will be used if it is available.
currency_code Yes String The code of the currency used
ship_to_country_code Yes String The ISO code of the country where the transaction occurred
ship_to_state Yes String The state/province where the transaction occurred
ship_to_zip Yes String The zip/postal code where the transaction occurred
ship_to_address1 No String The address where the transaction occurred
ship_to_address2 No String The address where the transaction occurred
total_amount Yes Float The final amount of the transaction
items_subtotal Yes Float The goods amount (total less shipping, discount, handling, tax, and fees
shipping_amount No Float The shipping amount of the transaction
handling_amount No Float The handling amount of the transaction
fees_amount No Float The fees amount included in the total_amount (paid by the seller) of the transaction.
tax_amount No Float The sales tax amount of the transaction
marketplace_remitted_tax No Boolean If the tax amount was remitted by a marketplace
items No Array The items attached to the transaction
items[]product_name Yes String The name of the product sold
items[]sku No String SKU identifier for the product sold
items[]quantity Yes Integer Quantity of items sold
items[]total_amount Yes Float total amount of the item (item_amount + tax_amount + handling_amount + shipping_amount - discount_amount)
items[]item_amount Yes Float The total of the item sold (item price * quantity)
items[]shipping_amount No Float Shipping amount for this item
items[]discount_amount No Float Discount amount for this item
items[]tax_amount No Float Tax amount for this item
items[]handling_amount No Float Handling amount for this item

When an order has items the sum of item values must equal the order level value. For example, when pushing in an order with items if an item has a discount amount that amount must be included in the order level discount amount.

Delete a order

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
client.delete_order(connection_id, '085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41')

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_id": "085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41",
    "transaction_date": "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
    "description": "Bob's Big Burger",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "ship_to_country_code": "US",
    "ship_to_state": "CA",
    "ship_to_zip": "91910",
    "ship_to_city": "Oceanside",
    "ship_to_address1": null,
    "ship_to_address2": null,
    "total_amount": "132.12",
    "items_subtotal": "122.12",
    "shipping_amount": "10.0",
    "discount_amount": "0.0",
    "handling_amount": "0.0",
    "fees_amount": "0.0",
    "tax_amount": "0.0",
    "marketplace_remitted_tax": false,
    "items": [
        "product_name": "A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger",
        "sku": null,
        "quantity": "2.0",
        "total_amount": "132.12",
        "item_amount": "122.12",
        "shipping_amount": "10.0",
        "discount_amount": "0.0",
        "handling_amount": "0.0",
        "tax_amount": "0.0"

This endpoint deletes a specific order.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
CID Yes String n/a The ID of the connection
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the order to delete


Get all refunds

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
connection_id = "db2fcb3d-57c9-4358-ae35-6b4a2719e0fb"
paginated_reponse = client.list_refunds(connection_id)
curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transactions": [
      "transaction_id": "085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41",
      "transaction_date": "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
      "description": "Hand painted tennis shoes Women's size 6 starry night",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "ship_to_country_code": "US",
      "ship_to_state": "CA",
      "ship_to_zip": "91910",
      "ship_to_city": "Oceanside",
      "ship_to_address1": "123 some street",
      "ship_to_address2": null,
      "total_amount": "33.85",
      "items_subtotal": "24.99",
      "shipping_amount": "6.5",
      "discount_amount": "0.0",
      "handling_amount": "0.0",
      "fees_amount": "0.0",
      "tax_amount": "2.36",
      "marketplace_remitted_tax": false,
      "items": [
          "product_name": "Hand painted tennis shoes Women's size 6 starry night",
          "sku": "Y010-AB-BIN402-SHO-FLF",
          "quantity": "1.0",
          "total_amount": "31.49",
          "item_amount": "24.99",
          "shipping_amount": "6.5",
          "discount_amount": "0.0",
          "handling_amount": "0.0",
          "tax_amount": "0.0"
      "transaction_id": "1d8d02aa-3464-4ef2-8624-a4d5d2ded2ec",
      "transaction_date": "2024-05-30T05:12:51.043Z",
      "description": "Hand painted tennis shoes Women's size 9 starry night",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "ship_to_country_code": "US",
      "ship_to_state": "CA",
      "ship_to_zip": "91910",
      "ship_to_city": "Oceanside",
      "ship_to_address1": "123 some street",
      "ship_to_address2": null,
      "total_amount": "33.85",
      "items_subtotal": "24.99",
      "shipping_amount": "6.5",
      "discount_amount": "0.0",
      "handling_amount": "0.0",
      "fees_amount": "0.0",
      "tax_amount": "2.36",
      "marketplace_remitted_tax": false,
      "items": [
          "product_name": "Hand painted tennis shoes Women's size 9 starry night",
          "sku": "Y009-AB-BIN402-SHO-FLF",
          "quantity": "1.0",
          "total_amount": "31.49",
          "item_amount": "24.99",
          "shipping_amount": "6.5",
          "discount_amount": "0.0",
          "handling_amount": "0.0",
          "tax_amount": "0.0"

This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of all of a connection's refunds.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the connection
page No Integer 0 Page number to return
per_page No Integer 25 Number of refunds to return per page

Get a refund

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
connection_id = "db2fcb3d-57c9-4358-ae35-6b4a2719e0fb"
paginated_reponse = client.get_refund(connection_id, '1f7f2a5dac3403930778751f82809b999958bd18')
curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_id": "085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41",
    "transaction_date": "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
    "description": "Hand painted tennis shoes Women's size 6 starry night",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "ship_to_country_code": "US",
    "ship_to_state": "CA",
    "ship_to_zip": "91910",
    "ship_to_city": "Oceanside",
    "ship_to_address1": "123 some street",
    "ship_to_address2": null,
    "total_amount": "33.85",
    "items_subtotal": "24.99",
    "shipping_amount": "6.5",
    "discount_amount": "0.0",
    "handling_amount": "0.0",
    "fees_amount": "0.0",
    "tax_amount": "2.36",
    "marketplace_remitted_tax": false,
    "items": [
        "product_name": "Hand painted tennis shoes Women's size 6 starry night",
        "sku": "Y010-AB-BIN402-SHO-FLF",
        "quantity": "1.0",
        "total_amount": "31.49",
        "item_amount": "24.99",
        "shipping_amount": "6.5",
        "discount_amount": "0.0",
        "handling_amount": "0.0",
        "tax_amount": "0.0"

This endpoint retrieves a specific refund.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
CID Yes String n/a The ID of the connection
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the refund

Create a refund

require 'seller_ledger'

params = {
  transaction_id: "085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41",
  transaction_date: "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
  description: "Bob's Big Burger",
  currency_code: "USD",
  ship_to_country_code: "US",
  ship_to_state: "CA",
  ship_to_city: "Oceanside",
  ship_to_zip: "91910",
  total_amount: 132.12,
  items_subtotal: 122.12,
  shipping_amount: 10.00,
  items: [
      product_name: "A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger",
      quantity: 2,
      total_amount: 132.12,
      item_amount: 122.12
      shipping_amount: 10

client ='your_api_token')
client.create_refund(connection_id, params)

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"transaction_id":"085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41","transaction_date":"2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z","description":"Bob's Big Burger","currency_code":"USD","ship_to_country_code":"US","ship_to_state":"CA","ship_to_city":"Oceanside","total_amount":132.12,"items_subtotal":122.12,"shipping_amount":10.0,"items":[{"product_name":"A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger","quantity":2,"item_amount":122.12,"total_amount":132.12,"shipping_amount":10}]}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_id": "085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41",
    "transaction_date": "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
    "description": "Bob's Big Burger",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "ship_to_country_code": "US",
    "ship_to_state": "CA",
    "ship_to_zip": "91910",
    "ship_to_city": "Oceanside",
    "ship_to_address1": null,
    "ship_to_address2": null,
    "total_amount": "132.12",
    "items_subtotal": "122.12",
    "shipping_amount": "10.0",
    "discount_amount": "0.0",
    "handling_amount": "0.0",
    "fees_amount": "0.0",
    "tax_amount": "0.0",
    "marketplace_remitted_tax": false,
    "items": [
        "product_name": "A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger",
        "sku": null,
        "quantity": "2.0",
        "total_amount": "132.12",
        "item_amount": "122.12",
        "shipping_amount": "10.0",
        "discount_amount": "0.0",
        "handling_amount": "0.0",
        "tax_amount": "0.0"

This endpoint is used to create refunds.

HTTP Request



Parameter Required Type Description
ID Yes String The connection ID
transaction_id No String A transaction ID, unique per connection. If transaction_id is not provided a unique UUID will be assigned.
transaction_date Yes DateTime The date and time the transaction occurred
description No String A description of the transaction. If description is not provided the first item's name will be used if it is available.
currency_code Yes String The code of the currency used
ship_to_country_code Yes String The ISO code of the country where the transaction occurred
ship_to_state Yes String The state/province where the transaction occurred
ship_to_zip Yes String The zip/postal code where the transaction occurred
ship_to_address1 No String The address where the transaction occurred
ship_to_address2 No String The address where the transaction occurred
total_amount Yes Float The final amount of the transaction
items_subtotal Yes Float The goods amount (total less shipping, discount, handling, tax, and fees
shipping_amount No Float The shipping amount of the transaction
handling_amount No Float The handling amount of the transaction
fees_amount No Float The fees amount included in the total_amount (paid by the seller) of the transaction.
tax_amount No Float The sales tax amount of the transaction
marketplace_remitted_tax No Boolean If the tax amount was remitted by a marketplace
items No Array The items attached to the transaction
items[]product_name Yes String The name of the product sold
items[]sku No String SKU identifier for the product sold
items[]quantity Yes Integer Quantity of items sold
items[]total_amount Yes Float total amount of the item (item_amount + tax_amount + handling_amount + shipping_amount - discount_amount)
items[]item_amount Yes Float The total of the item sold (item price * quantity)
items[]shipping_amount No Float Shipping amount for this item
items[]discount_amount No Float Discount amount for this item
items[]tax_amount No Float Tax amount for this item
items[]handling_amount No Float Handling amount for this item

When an order has items the sum of item values must equal the order level value. For example, when pushing in an order with items if an item has a discount amount that amount must be included in the order level discount amount.

Update a refund

require 'seller_ledger'

params = {
  transaction_date: "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
  description: "Bob's Big Burger Update",
  currency_code: "USD",
  ship_to_country_code: "US",
  ship_to_state: "CA",
  ship_to_city: "Oceanside",
  ship_to_zip: "91910",
  total_amount: 132.12,
  items_subtotal: 122.12,
  shipping_amount: 10.00,
  items: [
      product_name: "A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger",
      quantity: 2,
      total_amount: 132.12,
      item_amount: 122.12
      shipping_amount: 10

client ='your_api_token')
client.update_refund(connection_id, params[:transaction_id], params)

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"transaction_date":"2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z","description":"Bob's Big Burger","currency_code":"USD","ship_to_country_code":"US","ship_to_state":"CA","ship_to_city":"Oceanside","total_amount":132.12,"items_subtotal":122.12,"shipping_amount":10.0,"items":[{"product_name":"A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger","quantity":2,"item_amount":122.12,"total_amount":132.12,"shipping_amount":10}]}'
  -X PUT

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_id": "085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41",
    "transaction_date": "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
    "description": "Bob's Big Burger",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "ship_to_country_code": "US",
    "ship_to_state": "CA",
    "ship_to_zip": "91910",
    "ship_to_city": "Oceanside",
    "ship_to_address1": null,
    "ship_to_address2": null,
    "total_amount": "132.12",
    "items_subtotal": "122.12",
    "shipping_amount": "10.0",
    "discount_amount": "0.0",
    "handling_amount": "0.0",
    "fees_amount": "0.0",
    "tax_amount": "0.0",
    "marketplace_remitted_tax": false,
    "items": [
        "product_name": "A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger",
        "sku": null,
        "quantity": "2.0",
        "total_amount": "132.12",
        "item_amount": "122.12",
        "shipping_amount": "10.0",
        "discount_amount": "0.0",
        "handling_amount": "0.0",
        "tax_amount": "0.0"

This endpoint is used to update refunds.

HTTP Request



Parameter Required Type Description
CID Yes String The connection ID
ID Yes String A transaction ID, unique per connection
transaction_date Yes DateTime The date and time the transaction occurred
description No String A description of the transaction. If description is not provided the first item's name will be used if it is available.
currency_code Yes String The code of the currency used
ship_to_country_code Yes String The ISO code of the country where the transaction occurred
ship_to_state Yes String The state/province where the transaction occurred
ship_to_zip Yes String The zip/postal code where the transaction occurred
ship_to_address1 No String The address where the transaction occurred
ship_to_address2 No String The address where the transaction occurred
total_amount Yes Float The final amount of the transaction
items_subtotal Yes Float The goods amount (total less shipping, discount, handling, tax, and fees
shipping_amount No Float The shipping amount of the transaction
handling_amount No Float The handling amount of the transaction
fees_amount No Float The fees amount included in the total_amount (paid by the seller) of the transaction.
tax_amount No Float The sales tax amount of the transaction
marketplace_remitted_tax No Boolean If the tax amount was remitted by a marketplace
items No Array The items attached to the transaction
items[]product_name Yes String The name of the product sold
items[]sku No String SKU identifier for the product sold
items[]quantity Yes Integer Quantity of items sold
items[]total_amount Yes Float total amount of the item (item_amount + tax_amount + handling_amount + shipping_amount - discount_amount)
items[]item_amount Yes Float The total of the item sold (item price * quantity)
items[]shipping_amount No Float Shipping amount for this item
items[]discount_amount No Float Discount amount for this item
items[]tax_amount No Float Tax amount for this item
items[]handling_amount No Float Handling amount for this item

When an order has items the sum of item values must equal the order level value. For example, when pushing in an order with items if an item has a discount amount that amount must be included in the order level discount amount.

Delete a refund

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
client.delete_refund(connection_id, '085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41')

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_id": "085c2f2d-6ef8-44f6-84d3-07431c2e6c41",
    "transaction_date": "2024-06-17T05:12:50.820Z",
    "description": "Bob's Big Burger",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "ship_to_country_code": "US",
    "ship_to_state": "CA",
    "ship_to_zip": "91910",
    "ship_to_city": "Oceanside",
    "ship_to_address1": null,
    "ship_to_address2": null,
    "total_amount": "132.12",
    "items_subtotal": "122.12",
    "shipping_amount": "10.0",
    "discount_amount": "0.0",
    "handling_amount": "0.0",
    "fees_amount": "0.0",
    "tax_amount": "0.0",
    "marketplace_remitted_tax": false,
    "items": [
        "product_name": "A Very Nice (And Somehow Shipped) Burger",
        "sku": null,
        "quantity": "2.0",
        "total_amount": "132.12",
        "item_amount": "122.12",
        "shipping_amount": "10.0",
        "discount_amount": "0.0",
        "handling_amount": "0.0",
        "tax_amount": "0.0"

This endpoint deletes a specific refund.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
CID Yes String n/a The ID of the connection
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the refund to delete

Inventory Purchases

Get all inventory purchases

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
paginated_reponse = client.list_inventory_purchases

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "purchases": [
      "id": "f1c6c387-4ae7-4868-a90c-9e868dab998a",
      "name": "Marshalls",
      "transaction_date": "2024-05-23T20:07:50.120Z",
      "amount": "28.74",
      "amount_unallocated_to_items": "28.74",
      "items": [],
      "transaction": {
        "transaction_type": "financial",
        "transaction_id": "4fe3eb3c-4d4e-45ed-b040-7007654e477f",
        "transaction_date": "2024-05-23T20:07:50.120Z",
        "transacted_with": "Marshalls",
        "description": "Betsey Johnson Women's Chiffon Printed Cocktail Dress",
        "amount": "-28.74",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "category": {
          "id": "6d527869-7fdd-437e-b99e-abf22ef33b3a",
          "name": "Inventory",
          "type": "Asset"
      "id": "71573ae4-7bb1-4774-9776-66ba0c768419",
      "name": "Anthropologie",
      "transaction_date": "2024-05-20T20:07:50.153Z",
      "amount": "39.43",
      "amount_unallocated_to_items": "39.43",
      "items": [],
      "transaction": {
        "transaction_type": "financial",
        "transaction_id": "a9d4a746-e09c-48d5-83a4-6598f7aec7cf",
        "transaction_date": "2024-05-20T20:07:50.153Z",
        "transacted_with": "Anthropologie",
        "description": "In store purchase",
        "amount": "-39.43",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "category": {
          "id": "6d527869-7fdd-437e-b99e-abf22ef33b3a",
          "name": "Inventory",
          "type": "Asset"

This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of inventory purchases.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
page No Integer 0 Page number to return
per_page No Integer 25 Number of inventory purchases to return per page

Get an inventory purchase

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "purchase": {
    "id": "f1c6c387-4ae7-4868-a90c-9e868dab998a",
    "name": "Marshalls",
    "transaction_date": "2024-05-23T20:07:50.120Z",
    "amount": "28.74",
    "amount_unallocated_to_items": "28.74",
    "items": [],
    "transaction": {
      "transaction_type": "financial",
      "transaction_id": "4fe3eb3c-4d4e-45ed-b040-7007654e477f",
      "transaction_date": "2024-05-23T20:07:50.120Z",
      "transacted_with": "Marshalls",
      "description": "Betsey Johnson Women's Chiffon Printed Cocktail Dress",
      "amount": "-28.74",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "category": {
        "id": "6d527869-7fdd-437e-b99e-abf22ef33b3a",
        "name": "Inventory",
        "type": "Asset"

This endpoint retrieves a inventory purchase.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the inventory purchase to return

Create an inventory purchase

require 'seller_ledger'

params = {
  name: "Marshalls",
  amount: 28.74,
  purchase_date: "2024-05-23T20:07:50.120Z",
  items: [
    { quantity: 1, total_amount: 27.74, product: { sku: "hello" } }

client ='your_api_token')

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"name": "Marshalls", "amount": 28.74, purchase_date: "2024-05-23T20:07:50.120Z", "items": [{ "quantity": 1, "total_amount": 27.74, "product": {"sku": "hello" }}]}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "purchase": {
    "id": "f1c6c387-4ae7-4868-a90c-9e868dab998a",
    "name": "Marshalls",
    "transaction_date": "2024-05-23T20:07:50.120Z",
    "amount": "27.74",
    "amount_unallocated_to_items": "1.00",
    "items": [
        "id": "f4aea9d4-8889-43fe-a860-03acf4917f28",
        "quantity": 1,
        "stock": 0.0,
        "total_amount": 27.74,
        "unit_amount": 27.74,
        "product": {
          "id": "af4281ff-da97-4d39-bc8c-d5236ad63cb5",
          "name": nil,
          "sku": "hello"
    "transaction": {
      "transaction_type": "financial",
      "transaction_id": "4fe3eb3c-4d4e-45ed-b040-7007654e477f",
      "transaction_date": "2024-05-23T20:07:50.120Z",
      "transacted_with": "Marshalls",
      "description": "Betsey Johnson Women's Chiffon Printed Cocktail Dress",
      "amount": "-28.74",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "category": {
        "id": "6d527869-7fdd-437e-b99e-abf22ef33b3a",
        "name": "Inventory",
        "type": "Asset"

This endpoint is used to create inventory purchases

HTTP Request



Parameter Required Type Description
name Yes String Name of inventory purchase
amount Yes Float Inventory purchase total amount
purchase_date Yes DateTime UTC date and time of inventory purchase
items No Array Items of inventory purchase; only item SKU is required.

Delete a inventory purchase

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "purchase": {
    "id": "f1c6c387-4ae7-4868-a90c-9e868dab998a",
    "name": "Marshalls",
    "transaction_date": "2024-05-23T20:07:50.120Z",
    "amount": "27.74",
    "amount_unallocated_to_items": "1.00",
    "items": [
        "id": "f4aea9d4-8889-43fe-a860-03acf4917f28",
        "quantity": 1,
        "stock": 0.0,
        "total_amount": 27.74,
        "unit_amount": 27.74,
        "product": {
          "id": "af4281ff-da97-4d39-bc8c-d5236ad63cb5",
          "name": nil,
          "sku": "hello"
    "transaction": {
      "transaction_type": "financial",
      "transaction_id": "4fe3eb3c-4d4e-45ed-b040-7007654e477f",
      "transaction_date": "2024-05-23T20:07:50.120Z",
      "transacted_with": "Marshalls",
      "description": "Betsey Johnson Women's Chiffon Printed Cocktail Dress",
      "amount": "-28.74",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "category": {
        "id": "6d527869-7fdd-437e-b99e-abf22ef33b3a",
        "name": "Inventory",
        "type": "Asset"

This endpoint deletes a specific inventory purchase.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the inventory purchase to delete

Mileage Expenses

Get all mileage expenses

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
paginated_reponse = client.list_mileage_expenses

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "mileage_expenses": [
      "id": "47dfb1e8-fccd-4ac3-8b1b-d306470bb46c",
      "trip_date": "2024-04-19",
      "distance": "11.4",
      "rate": "0.67",
      "description": "Trip to GoodWill"
      "id": "63cc343b-8da1-46d3-b9d3-449fb1802246",
      "trip_date": "2024-04-18",
      "distance": "31.2",
      "rate": "0.67",
      "description": "State auction"

This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of mileage expenses

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
page No Integer 0 Page number to return
per_page No Integer 25 Number of mileage expenses to return per page

Get a mileage expense

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "expense": {
    "id": "63cc343b-8da1-46d3-b9d3-449fb1802246",
    "trip_date": "2024-04-17",
    "distance": "11.1",
    "rate": "0.67",
    "expense": "7.44",

This endpoint retrieves a mileage expense.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the mileage expense to return

Create a mileage expense

require 'seller_ledger'

params = {
  trip_date:, 4, 17),
  description: "Trip to Goodwill",
  distance: 11.1

client ='your_api_token')

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"trip_date": "2024-04-17", "description": "Trip to Goodwill", "distance": 11.1}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "expense": {
    "id": "63cc343b-8da1-46d3-b9d3-449fb1802246",
    "trip_date": "2024-04-17",
    "distance": "11.1",
    "rate": "0.67",
    "expense": "7.44",
    "description":"Trip to Goodwill"

This endpoint is used to create mileage expenses.

HTTP Request



Parameter Required Type Description
trip_date Yes Stringified Date Date of trip, YYYY-MM-DD format
description Yes String Description of trip
distance Yes Float Distance traveled

Update a mileage expense

require 'seller_ledger'

params = {
  trip_date:, 4, 18),
  description: "Trip to Goodwill and back",
  distance: 22.2

client ='your_api_token')
client.update_mileage_expense("63cc343b-8da1-46d3-b9d3-449fb1802246", params)

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"trip_date": "2024-04-18", "description": "Trip to Goodwill and back", "distance": 22.2}' \
  -X PUT

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "expense": {
    "id": "63cc343b-8da1-46d3-b9d3-449fb1802246",
    "trip_date": "2024-04-18",
    "distance": "22.2",
    "rate": "0.67",
    "expense": "14.78",
    "description":"Trip to Goodwill and back"

This endpoint updates an existing mileage expense

HTTP Request



Parameter Required Type Description
Yes String The ID of the mileage expense
trip_date Yes DateTime Date of trip, YYYY-MM-DD format
description Yes String Description of trip
distance Yes Float Distance traveled

Delete a mileage expense

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "expense": {
    "id": "63cc343b-8da1-46d3-b9d3-449fb1802246",
    "trip_date": "2024-04-17",
    "distance": "11.1",
    "rate": "0.67",
    "expense": "7.44",

This endpoint deletes a specific mileage expense.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the mileage expense to delete


Get all transactions

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')
paginated_reponse = client.list_transactions
curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transactions": [
      "transaction_type": "order",
      "transaction_id": "m40758123359",
      "transaction_date": "2024-06-26T00:00:00.000Z",
      "transacted_with": "Sally and Bob's",
      "description": "Order number 1",
      "amount": "26.99",
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "category": {
        "id": "feab65a2-71e0-4566-9690-50602b234c0e",
        "name":"Product Sales",

      "transaction_id": "580e0c2f-c0d2-4a68-bd87-b6b76abcca01",
      "transaction_date": "2024-05-03T12:00:00.000Z",
      "transacted_with":"Sally and Bob's",
      "description": "Order number 2",
      "category": {
        "id": "feab65a2-71e0-4566-9690-50602b234c0e",
        "name":"Product Sales",

This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of all connection transactions of any type.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
connection_id No String n/a Filters transactions by this connection ID
transaction_type No String n/a Filters transactions by this type. Can be all, income, expense, or financial
page No Integer 0 Page number to return
per_page No Integer 25 Number of financial transactions to return per page

Get a transaction

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token"

require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_type": "income",
    "transaction_id": "580e0c2f-c0d2-4a68-bd87-b6b76abcca01",
    "transaction_date": "2024-05-03T12:00:00.000Z",
    "transacted_with": "Sally and Bob's",
    "description": "Sold supplies",
    "amount": "132.12",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "category": {
      "name": "Other Income",
      "type": "Income"

This endpoint retrieves a transaction.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the transaction to return
connection_id No String n/a Filters the transaction by this connection ID.

Create a transaction

require 'seller_ledger'

params = {
  transaction_date: "2024-05-03 12:00:00",
  transacted_with: "Sally and Bob's",
  description: "Sold supplies",
  currency_code: "USD",
  amount: 132.12,
  category_id: "feab65a2-71e0-4566-9690-50602b234c0e"

client ='your_api_token')

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"transaction_date": "2024-05-03 12:00:00", "transacted_with": "Sally and Bob''s", "description": "Sold supplies", "currency_code": "USD", "amount": 132.12, "category_id": "feab65a2-71e0-4566-9690-50602b234c0e"}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_type": "financial",
    "transaction_id": "580e0c2f-c0d2-4a68-bd87-b6b76abcca01",
    "transaction_date": "2024-05-03T12:00:00.000Z",
    "transacted_with": "Sally and Bob's",
    "description": "Sold supplies",
    "amount": "132.12",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "category": {
      "name": "Other Income",
      "type": "Income"

This endpoint is used to create transactions.

HTTP Request



Parameter Required Type Description
ID Yes String n/a
connection_id No String A connection ID for this transaction.
transaction_id No String A unique identifier for this transaction. A UUID will be assigned if no value is given.
transaction_date Yes Date Time UTC Date time for when this transaction took place
transacted_with Yes String Merchant or vendor name this transaction happened with
description Yes String Brief description of the transaction
currency_code Yes String Abbreviated currency code (USD)
amount Yes Float Transaction total amount
category_id Yes String Seller Ledger Category ID for this transaction. See the categories documentation.

Update a transaction

require 'seller_ledger'

params = {
  transaction_date: "2024-05-04 12:00:00",
  transacted_with: "Sally and Bob's",
  description: "Sold supplies and sundries",
  currency_code: "USD",
  amount: 151.42,
  category_id: "feab65a2-71e0-4566-9690-50602b234c0e"

client ='your_api_token')
client.update_transaction("580e0c2f-c0d2-4a68-bd87-b6b76abcca01", params)
curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"transaction_date": "2024-05-04 12:00:00", "transacted_with": "Sally and Bob's", "description": "Sold supplies and sundries", "currency_code": "USD", "amount": 151.42, "category_id": "feab65a2-71e0-4566-9690-50602b234c0e"}'
  -X PUT

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_type": "financial",
    "transaction_id": "580e0c2f-c0d2-4a68-bd87-b6b76abcca01",
    "transaction_date": "2024-05-04T12:00:00.000Z",
    "transacted_with": "Sally and Bob's",
    "description": "Sold supplies and sundries",
    "amount": 151.42,
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "category": {
      "id": "feab65a2-71e0-4566-9690-50602b234c0e",
      "name": "Other Income",
      "type": "Income"

This endpoint updates an existing financial transaction.

HTTP Request



Parameter Required Type Description
ID Yes String n/a
connection_id No String A connection ID for this transaction.
transaction_id Yes String The originally provided or generated ID for this financial transaction
transaction_date Yes Date Time UTC Date time for when this transaction took place
transacted_with Yes String Merchant or vendor name this transaction happened with
description Yes String Brief description of the transaction
currency_code Yes String Abbreviated currency code (USD)
amount Yes Float Transaction total amount
category_id Yes String Seller Ledger Category ID for this transaction. See the categories documentation.

Delete a transaction

curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: token your_api_token" \
require 'seller_ledger'

client ='your_api_token')

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "transaction_type": "financial",
    "transaction_id": "580e0c2f-c0d2-4a68-bd87-b6b76abcca01",
    "transaction_date": "2024-05-04T12:00:00.000Z",
    "transacted_with": "Sally and Bob's",
    "description": "Sold supplies and sundries",
    "amount": 151.42,
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "category": {
      "id": "feab65a2-71e0-4566-9690-50602b234c0e",
      "name": "Other Income",
      "type": "Income"

This endpoint deletes a specific financial transaction.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Required Type Default Description
ID Yes String n/a The ID of the financial transaction to delete
connection_id No String Filters transaction by this connection ID